Business resiliency is a term that comprises emergency response, crisis management, business continuity, and recovery. It represents the ability of organizations to plan for, adapt, respond & recover from impactful events – such as natural disasters, serious accidents, supply chain disruptions, among others.

Effective resilience allows organizations to continue operations and minimally impact a company’s reputation, assets, or people.    

  • Presentation - Supplier Chain Resilience Webinar (27Nov2023) - Presentation
  • Video Walkthrough (53:13 time) - Supplier Chain Resilience Webinar (27Nov2023) - Link

Cummins is providing playbooks to help suppliers in their journey to embed resilience in their organizations. The playbooks cover various resiliency themes and include training, good practice guides, and other resources for your use.



Number of Playbooks

Areas of Playbooks

Business Resiliency Management


  • Business Continuity Planning Leader

Incident Response


  • Record Keeper
  • Crisis Command Team Introduction (& Lessons)
  • Senior Command Team
  • Emergency Response Team Introduction (& Lessons)

Crisis Communications


  • Communications Leader Introduction (& Lessons)
  • Record Keeper



  • Business Continuity Planning Leader
  • Crisis Command Team Introduction (& Lessons)
  • Emergency Response Team Introduction (& Lessons)
  • Emergency Response Leader

Backup and Contingency Planning


  • Business Continuity Planning Leader
  • Crisis Command Team Introduction (& Lessons)

Emergency Action Planning


  • Business Continuity Planning Leader
  • Emergency Response Team Introduction (& Lessons)
  • Emergency Response Leader



  • Business Continuity Planning Leader
  • Crisis Command Team Introduction (& Lessons)
  • Senior Command Team
  • Communications Leader Introduction (& Lessons)