Contact Accounts Payable – Germany
Cummins Deutschland GmbH, Am Schlossfeld Germany - English
Cummins Deutschland GmbH, Peter-Traiser-Str. Germany - English
Cummins Deutschland GmbH, Peter-Traiser-Str. Germany – Deutsch
Germany – Supplier Payments
Note: Please ignore this if your invoices are handled by EXL Service Czech Republic, s.r.o
Please ensure that your records are updated to minimize any delay to your payment and that your invoices continue to quote the correct invoice/bill to address.
Cummins Deutschland GmbH, Am Schlossfeld 1, 97828 Marktheidenfeld, Germany
All payment inquiries, statements, and reminders should be directed to:
Cummins Business Services Stockton/UK | 0044 1642 412 756 |
Please Send Invoices in PDF/TIF Format To:
Please Note:
- Invoice/bill to address must be shown on your invoice
- Business delivery address must be shown on your invoice
- Delivery/advice notes must be sent with the goods to the delivery address
Sending invoices via post:
Invoices need to be sent directly to Cummins Deutschland GmbH using the postal address below:
Cummins Deutschland GmbH
Am Schlossfeld 1
97828 Marktheidenfeld,
Ensure that the Purchase Order Number – PO – and invoice match exactly:
- Verify that all line items on the PO and invoice match exactly with regards to item description, unit of measure, quantity, unit price, and currency.
- The unit price, the currency and the unit of measure on the invoice must be the same as on the last price agreement with your contact in the Purchasing Department.
- If there are any discrepancies or changes, communicate with your contact in Materials or in Purchasing Department prior to invoicing to determine whether the PO should be corrected, or the invoice changed to match the PO. Inconsistencies will result in the return of the invoice and/or the delay of payment.
Submit a Complete and Accurate Invoice:
- Your VAT Identification number must be clearly mentioned.
- Our VAT Identification number also must be mentioned: DE111621561
- The invoice must include the date of invoicing as well as a continuous invoice number
- The invoice must include the date/month of performance.
- The Cummins issued PO number must be included on each line of the invoice, as well as the description of the supplied goods of services, item part number, the quantity and/or the scope of services as well as the unit price of the supplied goods or services.
- No positive and negative line amounts may be included on the same invoice. Charge refunds or adjustments for returned goods or services must be issued in the form of a credit note.
- Multiple PO lines cannot be consolidated into one invoice line.
- The invoice must contain invoice lines which match the PO.
- The invoice must also contain your complete company `s name including your legal form as well as the complete address. Your supplier name must be the same as the name referred to on the PO.
- Inform your contact in Purchasing Department of any changes to your supplier information, including supplier name or remittance address.
- The assessment basis has to be separated per VAT rates and VAT exemptions.
- Prepayments and reductions of the assessment basis which have been agreed in advance have to be considered within the invoice.
- The invoice must include the respective tax rates as well as the respective tax amount. If the supply of goods/services is VAT exempt, the invoice has to include a reference to this VAT exemption.
- You must send your original invoice to the send invoice to address.
- To avoid delayed payment, you must send the manual (paper) original invoice by mail directly to the “send invoice to” address here above, or the invoice will not be processed.
Rejected invoices:
Invoices may be rejected if one or more of the stated requirements are not met.
- The invoice will be returned without processing if there is no PO number on the invoice line, if the PO is invalid or closed, or if the supplier name on the invoice does not match the supplier name on the PO.
- Incorrect information such as currency or pricing could cause a delay or a rejection.
- In case of anomaly, the invoice will not be processed till the receipt of the relative credit note
Cummins Deutschland GmbH, Peter-Traiser-Str.1, 64521 Gross-Gerau, Germany - English
All payment inquiries, statements, and reminders should be directed to:
CBS A/P | 0044 1642 412 756 |
Please Send Invoices in PDF/TIF Format To:
Please Note:
- Invoice/bill to address must be shown on your invoice
- Business delivery address must be shown on your invoice
- Delivery/advice notes must be sent with the goods to the delivery address
Scanning rules:
- One e-mail should contain at least one attachment but can contain multiple attachments
- The maximum for attachments per email is 10 and each email should not exceed 5 MB
- Each attachment must be in PDF or TIF format (A4 size) – one invoice per PDF/TIF
- The attachment file name may contain special characters accepted by Windows while naming a file
- The maximum length of an attachment name, including extensions, is 90 characters
- The attachments may be single page or multipage
- Form filled PDFs are not accepted
- The PDF or TIF attached should NOT be password protected or encrypted
- Email Subject text should be kept under 107 characters
Sending invoices via post:
Alternatively, invoices can be sent to our scanning center using the postal address below:
Cummins Deutschland GmbH
Peter-Traiser-Str. 1
64521 Gross-Gerau
Ensure that the Purchase Order Number – PO – and invoice match exactly:
- Verify that all line items on the PO and invoice match exactly with regards to item description, unit of measure, quantity, unit price, and currency.
- The unit price, the currency and the unit of measure on the invoice must be the same as on the last price agreement with your contact in the Purchasing Department.
- If there are any discrepancies or changes, communicate with your contact in Materials or in Purchasing Department prior to invoicing to determine whether the PO should be corrected, or the invoice changed to match the PO. Inconsistencies will result in the return of the invoice and/or the delay of payment.
Submit a Complete and Accurate Invoice:
- Your VAT Identification number must be clearly mentioned.
- Our VAT Identification number also must be mentioned: DE111621561
- The invoice must include the date of invoicing as well as a continuous invoice number
- The invoice must include the date/month of performance.
- The Cummins issued PO number must be included on each line of the invoice, as well as the description of the supplied goods of services, item part number, the quantity and/or the scope of services as well as the unit price of the supplied goods or services.
- No positive and negative line amounts may be included on the same invoice. Charge refunds or adjustments for returned goods or services must be issued in the form of a credit note.
- Multiple PO lines cannot be consolidated into one invoice line.
- The invoice must contain invoice lines which match the PO.
- The invoice must also contain your complete company `s name including your legal form as well as the complete address. Your supplier name must be the same as the name referred to on the PO.
- Inform your contact in Purchasing Department of any changes to your supplier information, including supplier name or remittance address.
- The assessment basis has to be separated per VAT rates and VAT exemptions. Prepayments and reductions of the assessment basis which have been agreed in advance have to be considered within the invoice.
- The invoice must include the respective tax rates as well as the respective tax amount. If the supply of goods/services is VAT exempt, the invoice has to include a reference to this VAT exemption.
- You must send your original invoice to the send invoice to address.
- To avoid delayed payment, you must send the manual (paper) original invoice by mail directly to the “send invoice to” address here above, or the invoice will not be processed.
Rejected invoices:
- Invoices may be rejected if one or more of the stated requirements are not met. The invoice will be returned without processing if there is no PO number on the invoice line, if the PO is invalid or closed, or if the supplier name on the invoice does not match the supplier name on the PO. Incorrect information such as currency or pricing could cause a delay or a rejection.
- In case of anomaly, the invoice will not be processed till the receipt of the relative credit note
Cummins Deutschland GmbH,Peter-Traiser-Str. 1, 64521 Gross-Gerau, Germany – Deutsch
- Die Rechnungsadresse muss auf Ihrer Rechnung angegeben sein
- Die Lieferanschrift muss auf Ihrer Rechnung angegeben sein
- Der Lieferschein muss zusammen mit der Ware an die Lieferadresse geschickt werden.
Alle Zahlungsanfragen, Auszüge und Mahnungen sind an:
CBS A/P | 0044 1642 412 756 |
Versand von Rechnungen im PDF/TIF-Format per E-Mail:
- Eine E-Mail sollte mindestens einen Anhang enthalten, kann aber mehrere Anhänge enthalten
- Das Maximum für Anhänge pro E-Mail beträgt 10 und jede E-Mail sollte 5 MB nicht überschreiten
- Jeder Anhang muss im PDF- oder TIF-Format (A4-Format) vorliegen - eine Rechnung pro PDF/TIF
- Der Dateiname des Anhangs kann Sonderzeichen enthalten, die von Windows beim Benennen einer
Datei akzeptiert werden.
- Die maximale Länge eines Anlagennamens, einschließlich Erweiterungen, beträgt 90 Zeichen
- Die Anlagen können ein- oder mehrseitig sein
- Editierbare PDFs werden nicht akzeptiert
- Das angehängte PDF oder TIF sollte NICHT passwortgeschützt oder verschlüsselt sein
- Der E-Mail Betreff sollte unter 107 Zeichen gehalten werden.
Rechnungsversand per Post:
Alternativ können Rechnungen auch über die untenstehende Postanschrift an unser Scan-Center geschickt werden:
Cummins Deutschland GmbH
Peter-Traiser-Str. 1
64521 Gross-Gerau
Achten Sie darauf, dass unsere Bestellnummer immer auf Ihren Rechnungen ausgewiesen ist:
- Vergewissern Sie sich, dass alle Positionen der Bestellung und Rechnung in Bezug auf Artikelbeschreibung, Mengeneinheit und -menge, Stückpreis, Währung und Lieferantenteilenummer (falls vorhanden) exakt übereinstimmen.
- Bei Unstimmigkeiten oder Änderungen wenden Sie sich bitte vor der Rechnungsstellung an den Einkaufskontakt. Unstimmigkeiten oder eine fehlende Angabe der Bestellnummer führen zur Rückgabeder Rechnung und/oder zum Zahlungsverzug.
Senden Sie bitte eine vollständige und genaue Rechnung (nach §14 UstG):
- Ihre Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer muss deutlich angegeben werden.
- Zusätzlich ist unsere Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer zu nennen: DE111621561.
- Die Rechnung muss das Datum der Rechnungsstellung sowie eine fortlaufende Rechnungsnummer enthalten.
- Die Rechnung muss das Datum der Leistung enthalten.
- Die von Cummins vergebene Bestellnummer MUSS auf der Rechnung angegeben werden.
- Rechnungen sollten die Bestellnummer, die Teilenummer und eine Beschreibung der Waren/Dienstleistungen auf Rechnungszeilenebene enthalten.
- Die Rechnung muss Rechnungszeilen enthalten, die mit der Bestellung übereinstimmen. Gutschriftenoder Berichtigungen für zurückgegebene Waren oder Dienstleistungen müssen in Form einer Gutschrift erfolgen.
- Die Rechnung muss auch Ihren Firmennamen enthalten. Ihr Lieferantenname muss mit dem in der Bestellung genannten Namen übereinstimmen. Informieren Sie den Einkaufskontakt über alle Änderungen Ihrer Lieferanteninformationen, einschließlich des Lieferantennamens oder der Überweisungsadresse.
- Die Steuerbeträge der Rechnung sind korrekt mit Steuersatz auszuweisen. Eine evtl. Steuerbefreiungist korrekt darzustellen.
Zurückgewiesene Rechnungen:
- Rechnungen, die die oben genannten Kriterien nicht erfüllen, werden abgelehnt und unbearbeitet an den Lieferanten zurückgesandt.