This section will guide the supplier through critical areas to help them understand our expectations. From an overview of the ISPM 15 regulations to reviewing the basics of Corrosion Prevention, the supplier will be reminded of ways to assure the packaging system design is ready to survive the shipping and handling environment. You will also learn how to fill out the Packaging Data Sheet, which is a critical activity to review the package system for compliance with the Global Packaging Standards.

Regardless of the section that you are reviewing, know that the Packaging Representative at the ship-to location is willing and able to help the suppliers make the right decisions to meet the needs of the dynamic world of Packaging for your parts.

Packaging Training:

ISPM 15 Awareness training (video, 28 minutes)
- Regulation of wood packaging material in international trade

Corrosion Prevention Basics (video, 47 minutes)

Section 1: Corrosion Prevention Basics

  • Defining corrosion and its causes as seen in industry
  • Determining how the environment can factor into the problem
  • Identify the different types of corrosion
  • What can be done in Packaging to reduce the risk
  • What Cummins expects from our suppliers

Section 2: The Manufacturing Process

  • Common causes at the point of Manufacturing
  • What a manufacturer can do to prevent corrosion from the start
  • Things to consider when discussing a problem with the manufacturer